Creating a Truly “Social” Stock Exchange

India is gearing up to set up a Social Stock Exchange (SSE) on the recommendation of India’s Finance Minister in 2019. After the initial suggestions by the Working Group in 2020, a new Technical Committee constituted by SEBI is expected to release more granular recommendations soon. SSEs are still in a nascent stage of development, having come into existence less than two decades ago. Only three out of seven SSEs are still active across the globe.

At this critical inflection point, the International Centre for Not-For-Profit Law (ICNL) and Samhita Social Ventures have undertaken an extensive research study to review seven SSEs (in Brazil, Portugal, South Africa, Jamaica, the UK, Singapore and Canada) to provide the most comprehensive analysis so far and offer suggestions for India’s SSE.

This report also analyses the recommendations of the first Working Group in relation to setting up India’s SSE.