Not to be Confused With Fallout

To not be confused with Fallout.



1 Availability 1.1 Model differences
1.2 Demo

9.1 “Entry Denied – Please login with administrator privileges and try again” error on launch
9.2 Lacking automotive texture in some races (GOG)

FlatOut is a singleplayer and multiplayer first-particular person and third-individual action, racing, methods and car fight sport in the FlatOut collection.

GameSpy multiplayer was deliberate for the Laptop version, however was not launched. There are mentions of GameSpy for the Laptop model in patch 1.2.


Version variations


nvidia [archive]
moddb (retro demo)

Important improvements


Opening the launcher

After the primary time launching the sport, the launcher won’t present up again rendering the participant unable to reconfigure the settings.

Use the -setup command line argument.

On’s Linux version, the located within the install listing needs to be modified to entry the launcher. In the script, there is an choice to edit how the sport is launched. Look for default() { {and change|and alter} the {lower|decrease} line run_{game|recreation|sport} to run_settings. After that, {the game|the sport} launcher {starts|begins} as default, {but|however} {it can be|it may be} {changed|modified} {back|again}.

Skip intro {videos|movies}

1. Go to \{data|information|knowledge}\video
2. Delete or rename bugbear.avi, empire.avi, intro.avi, and nvidia.avi.


– {Doesn’t|Does not|Would not} work in Zoom Platform {release|launch}.
1. {Download|Obtain} the file.
2. Extract the contents of the {download|obtain} to ; {replace|change|exchange|substitute} the file(s) when prompted. – Uncapping the framerate {can cause|could cause|may cause} minor {issues|points} with {car|automobile|automotive} engine sounds, very {high|excessive} framerate makes {car|automobile|automotive} deform {more|extra} {easily|simply}.

{Game|Recreation|Sport} {data|information|knowledge}

Configuration file(s) location

Save {game|recreation|sport} {data|information|knowledge} location

Save {game|recreation|sport} cloud syncing


{Field|Area|Discipline|Subject} of view (FOV)

1. {Install|Set up} ThirteenAG’s {fix|repair}.
2. Edit Flatout.WidescreenFix.ini.
3. Set FOVFactor to {the desired|the specified} {value|worth}.


1. {Download|Obtain} d3d9hook.
2. Extract d3d9.dll to .
{Note|Be aware|Notice|Observe|Word}: d3d9hook lists an {old|outdated|previous} {forum|discussion board} {link|hyperlink} [archive] {that is|that’s} now invalid. {Here|Right here} is the {valid|legitimate} {link|hyperlink}





Multiplayer {types|sorts|varieties}

VR {support|assist|help}

{Issues|Points} {fixed|fastened|mounted}

“{Access|Entry} Denied – Please login with administrator privileges {and try|and check out|and take a look at} {again|once more}” error on launch

{Missing|Lacking} {car|automobile|automotive} texture in some races (GOG)

{Other|Different} {information|data|info}



System {requirements|necessities}


↑ This {version|model} of StarForce DRM {does not|doesn’t} work on {Windows|Home windows} 8.1, {Windows|Home windows} 10, or {Windows|Home windows} 11.[2][3] For supported {versions|variations} of {Windows|Home windows} the StarForce driver {may|could|might} {need to be|have to be|must be|should be} {updated|up to date} manually {using|utilizing} SFUPDATE. ↑ 2.{0|Zero} 2.1 When {running|operating|working} this {game|recreation|sport} {without|with out} elevated privileges (Run as administrator {option|choice|possibility}), write operations {against|in opposition to|towards} a location {below|beneath|under} %PROGRAMFILES%, %PROGRAMDATA%, or %WINDIR% {might be|could be|is likely to be|is perhaps|may be} redirected to %LOCALAPPDATA%\VirtualStore on {Windows|Home windows} Vista and later ({more|extra} {details|particulars}). ↑ 3.{0|Zero} 3.1 Notes {regarding|concerning|relating to} Steam Play (Linux) {data|information|knowledge}:– File/folder {structure|construction} {within|inside} this {directory|listing} {reflects|displays} {the path|the trail}(s) listed for {Windows|Home windows} and/or Steam {game|recreation|sport} {data|information|knowledge}.
– The app ID (6220) {may|could|might} differ in some {cases|circumstances|instances}.
– Use Wine’s registry editor to {access|entry} any {Windows|Home windows} registry paths.
– {Treat|Deal with} backslashes as {forward|ahead} slashes.
– See the glossary {page|web page} for {details|particulars} on {Windows|Home windows} {data|information|knowledge} paths.


↑ Now {Supports|Helps} Linux! – July 24, 2014 – {last|final} accessed on {May|Could|Might} 2023
↑ {Windows|Home windows} 8.1 {support|assist|help} – StarForce {Support|Assist|Help}
↑ {Windows|Home windows} 10 {support|assist|help} – StarForce {Support|Assist|Help}
↑ Verified by {User|Consumer|Person}:AlexKVideos1 on 2024-03-{11|eleven} {Although|Though} the {files|information|recordsdata} are unpacked, I verified {it’s the|it is the} 1.1 {version|model}. The patch notes {text|textual content} file is in {the game|the sport} folder, ragdolls {can be|could be|may be|might be|will be} turned on / off, and destruction derby {can be|could be|may be|might be|will be} {played|performed} in multiplayer.

↑ Verified by {User|Consumer|Person}:Mrtnptrs on 2023-04-06 {Source|Supply} {would be|can be|could be} {nice|good} {to inform|to tell} others about its severity.

↑ {Update|Replace} 1.1 – ZOOM Platform Discord – {last|final} accessed on 2023-04-06″FlatOut: – {Updated|Up to date} to {Game|Recreation|Sport} {Version|Model} 1.1. – {Various|Numerous|Varied} bug fixes. – Added German and Russian localization. – All languages now in single installer.

↑ {Update|Replace} 1.2 – ZOOM Platform Discord – {last|final} accessed on 2023-04-06″FlatOut: – {Updated|Up to date} Installer to {Version|Model} 1.2. – Added French, Italian and Spanish Manuals. {Special|Particular} {Thanks to|Because of|Due to} @SRDLINE | ZOOM!

↑ {Update|Replace} 1.{3|Three} – ZOOM Platform Discord – {last|final} accessed on 2023-04-06″FlatOut: – Added Czech, Polish and Hungarian localizations, alongside some fixes.

↑ {Update|Replace} 1.{4|Four} – ZOOM Platform Discord – {last|final} accessed on 2023-04-06″FlatOut: – {Fixed|Fastened|Mounted} Installer {issues|points} for some languages, added {final|closing|last|remaining|ultimate} localization fixes.

↑ {Update|Replace} 1.5 – ZOOM Platform Discord – {last|final} accessed on 2023-04-06″FlatOut: {Super|Tremendous} Digital Deluxe {Edition|Version}: – {Updated|Up to date} to ZOOM {Version|Model} 1.5. – All languages {besides|apart from|in addition to|moreover} Russian {are now|are actually|at the moment are} selectable {via|by way of|through} the launcher. Russian {uses|makes use of} its {own|personal} executable. – {Fixed|Fastened|Mounted} a GPU load {issue|challenge|concern|difficulty|problem|situation|subject} that was {sometimes|generally|typically} {caused by|attributable to|brought on by} opening the {credits|credit} menu.