Wondering About Corporate Spend? Here Are Three Sectors CSR Should Focus On

The Better India featured Samhita’s report on CSR in Clean Energy. ‘Energising Development – CSR in Clean Energy: What are India’s top companies up to?’ was created in association with Shakti Sustainable Energy Foundation and International Finance Corporation.

“By comparison, almost 90% of the companies have a CSR program in education, sanitation or skills and livelihoods. It’s not as if these issues aren’t important, but that energy access plays a critical role in addressing better health, livelihood or education outcomes. It’s all about inculcating an integrated approach towards achieving social change.”

“By comparison, almost 90% of the companies have a CSR program in education, sanitation or skills and livelihoods. It’s not as if these issues aren’t important, but that energy access plays a critical role in addressing better health, livelihood or education outcomes. It’s all about inculcating an integrated approach towards achieving social change.”